Keith and I just returned from a great Easter weekend with our family in Longview. We were missing a few of the regulars (Nate and Regan are in Mexico, my parents are still in Tucson), but it was great to see Grandpa, Greg and Genie, Whitney and our gracious hosts, Randy and Patti. I've been extremely busy with work on houses and school, so it was great to have Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning to just cook, eat, visit and "share stories" (read: BS-- you BS'ers know who you are!) with my family.
As always, the food was delicious- for dinner on Saturday we had salmon with an apricot glaze, a mashed potato & sharp cheddar casserole, asparagus, broccoli, rolls and a garden salad. For brunch on Sunday we had every one's favorite egg dish and an orange & pecan coffee cake. Yum Yum.
As I write these descriptions of meals, I realize that I'm becoming more and more like my mother everyday. Like my mother I, too, look back on my life and remember where I was and what I was doing by remembering the meals I had. I guess there are worse traits a daughter could pick up from her mother. The daughter of a foodie becomes a foodie. Thanks mom!