Yesterday Keith and I flew back to Seattle after nearly two weeks in Arizona. Upon our arrival at Seatac we immediately noticed a few significant differences between the two states. Our very first observation was hearing/seeing Japanese translations in the airport instead of Spanish. Second, was grey skies instead of sunshine. You can guess the rest, lots of water instead of desert, evergreen trees instead of cactus, and the presence of 800 Starbucks between the airport and home.
It was a great trip to Arizona. After Christmas, we took Grandpa to the airport in Phoenix. As I watched him impatiently duck under the ropes of the security line, I was really struck by what a remarkable man he is. It's not everyday that you see a 96 year old man go through airport security on his own, grab his bag and confidently walk to his gate. I thoroughly expect to see him at Christmas 2008!
After the airport, we spent 2 night in Phoenix. It was a great opportunity to tour The Valley of the Sun. We toured Old Town Scottsdale, did the scenic drive on South Mountain, and Keith and I hiked Camelback Mountain where we had unprecedented views of the city.
Then it was back to Tucson. New Year's Eve was spent with friends at Bud and Nikki's house. We ate delicious appetizers, drank pink lemonade margaritas, and played the world's longest game of Domino's. The remainder of visit to Tucson gave us time to relax and enjoy time together. Mom and I sewed a purse (okay, mom sewed and I cut and pinned) and went to a card making class. Keith and I jogged in the sun almost every morning. We all went golfing at The Cove course and I shot my best ever 45 on 9 holes (let's just ignore the fact that the course is a short nine!). On Thursday we went for a short hike in Sabino Canyon and out to dinner at our favorite restaurant, Cafe Poco Coso. It was hard to leave on Friday.
I guess it's time to get back to reality. Work starts again on Monday. It's time to get back into the routine. I need to remember how to drive a car instead of a golf cart. I need to detox from sugar (although not cold turkey! That could be dangerous. Luckily, mom packed us a little lunch for the flight home, complete with the last of the Christmas Cookies, 2 Krinkles and 1 Nanaimo Bar each! Whew. It could have been a rough flight). I need go through the mail and pay my bills. I need to take down the Christmas decorations and organize my life. I get to see my friends. I'm going back to yoga. I'm gearing up for 2008. Luckily, I can look forward to Spring Break!
Thank you Mom and Dad...you're the best.
Pictures above:
#1) Dad, Mom and Keith in Old Town Scottsdale
#2) Dad and Bud serving up those delicious Margaritas on New Year's Eve
#3) Margaret at the top of Camelback Mountain
#4) Keith climbs one of the characteristically steep stretches of Camelback Mountain's summit trail