"If you squint really hard the sand looks like snow" or, Christmas in the Southwest, part II

More Christmas in Tucson...
TUESDAY (12/26) -- Pima Air Museum, dinner and a show at the Gaslight Theatre, hot buttered rums at Kathy and Tom's house
WEDNESDAY (12/27)-- Tour of Saguaro East, Margaret and Keith hike in the foothills of the Catalina Mountains.
THURSDAY (12/28)--Shopping, visiting with Sue and Al, and Italian dinner at Gavi's
FRIDAY (12/29)-- Fly home to Seattle.
My eight days in Tucson over Christmas were wonderful. It was such a joy to spend the holiday with my family and I love my parent's new home.
Here are the Best and Worst of Christmas '06
Best Meal: Christmas dinner of rib-roast with red wine gravy, carmelized onion tart with feta cheese, wild rice with mushrooms, green beans with orange zest, route kraut, and warm rolls
Best Meal Out: tie-- Poco Coso and Gavi's
Best Cookie: Nanaimo Bars
Best Cookie (a second opinion): Almond Creams
Best Quote: "Get off the gas stove Grandpa, you're too old to be riding the range."
Second Best Quote: "Donut Wheel isn't as good as LaFeen's, but...It's eighteen hudreed miles closer!"
Best New Game: Sequence
Best Entertainment: Gaslight Theatre's production of "Christmas in the Big Apple" (It's gonna be great, I just know it!)
Best Perk: Sunshine
Best Hosts: Jack and Sharon Garner
Worst place to sleep on Christmas Eve: the Aero Bed
Worst use of a satellite dish: continuous Oaters on Encore's Western Movie Channel
Worst side-effect of a wonderful holiday: needing to diet
Worst Christmas Gift: the broken coffee cup (thanks a lot TSA!)
Worst Experience: Coming home to the wind, rain and cold weather
Can't wait for 2007! THANKS everyone.
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